We are pleased to welcome you to the 3rd ASPIC International Congress at the Gulbenkian Foundation, in Lisbon, May 10-11, 2018.
Why come to the ASPIC Congress at a time when you receive on a daily basis advertisement for high level meetings all over the world? Meetings where you can get in touch with experts and colleagues and share experiences and develop new ideas for your work! In our view the answer is because you can get that at the ASPIC Congress as well! With several advantages: it is a small and more informal meeting and it has a fantastic program covering hot topics for basic researchers and clinical researchers alike. And what’s more, you will liaise with Portuguese cancer researchers working in Portugal and abroad contributing to reinforce cancer research in Portugal.
At a time when the research flows every day information on new achievements and when new (and incredibly expensive) drugs are also coming into the clinic at a high pace, the existence in each and every country of an active research community is the most relevant protective umbrella to avoid shortsightedness in public awareness and in political decisions that affect all of us and our families.
The 3rd ASPIC Congress will give cancer researchers a stage where they speak to the inside and to the outside of the community, to patient’s associations and to the public, on their successes but also on the many still unsolved questions. Speak what we know, and what we don’t know. At times of explosive information as we are living, the need for critical discussion without preconceptions is more important than ever.
The 3rd ASPIC Congress is coming back to the Gulbenkian Foundation where the first Congress in 2014 gathered for the first time 249 researchers, mostly Portuguese cancer researchers. A number that was scaled up to 425 participants at the 2nd ASPIC Congress at IPO-Porto in 2016. We look forward to have you all in Lisbon sharing ideas to improve the life of cancer patients in the years to come. Gulbenkian adds to the scientific standard of the Congress the beauty of the venue and a fantastic city to visit again and again.
Join us in Lisbon next May!
Jorge Soares
Leonor David
President and vice-President of the Congress
Meet researchers who share a common interest in cancer research
Establish new interdisciplinary research collaborations
Present your research and increase the public awareness for cancer research in Portugal
Promote the national cancer research community centred on ASPIC
Attract R&D investment and promote fund raising activities
Share the benefits of being a member of ASPIC and EACR